In 2005, the tragic assassination of Rafiq Hariri was a turning point in the Lebanese sovereignty and marked a change in the political sphere in the country. Soon after, the departure of the Syrian troops from Lebanon followed, declaring Lebanon’s independence since the civil war. The warehouse next to my house disappeared over night, followed by a literal cover up a week later. In the middle of the site was a tunnel big enough for cars to cross through. The tunnel was cemented and sealed a week later. I heard numerous stories about what took place on that mysterious site. Where does the truth fit among the fabricated myths, the made belief stories, and the rumors? Sometimes it is comforting to believe in myths and rumors, rather than to believe in a truth that will never be revealed. Sometimes the truth is irrelevant.
After observations and interviews with people in the neighborhood, I have decided to take the many stories I heard, and fabricate them into possibilities of realities and truths, irrelevant to the truth. I created a story, printed it, and stacked the prints in the middle of the site, and I let the myths fly where the wind blew them. Once the rumor is out, it cannot be contained, it can be embel- lished and demolished, irrelevant to the truth itself.
Irrelevant To The Truth | 2005 | بغض النظر عن الحقيقة | MANIFESTO A4 | FLYERS 10 X8 cm Manifesto: A created group that is responsible for spreading rumors “irrelevant to the truth”.Flyers: Reminicent of the school notes exchange by students to spread rumours, stories, and opinions. The flyers fucntions as a template tool for rumour generation and circulation.